My Cozy Place; PLURK

Minggu, 27 November 2011

Aneh, asing, tidak biasa, itu yang ada dalam pikiranku ketika pertama kali tau ternyata ada sebuah situs jejaring sosial bernama PLURK. Jika diperhatikan dari konfigurasi susunan hurufnya juga agak janggal; Terdiri dari 4 huruf konsonan yang mengapit 1 huruf vocal. Konfigurasi ini juga sedikit menyulitkan lidah kita ketika melafalkannya apalagi jika ingin dieja layaknya sedang belajar membaca (Kalau mengeja BUDI, Be ubu De Idi bacanya Bu-DI lantas bagaimana gampangnya mengeja kata PLURK??? Hahahahaha ujung-ujungnya tetep bawa2 namanya Budi). Belum berhenti disitu rasa ‘’Lain-lainku’’ ketika baru berkenalan dengan PLURK. Setelah iseng-iseng saya buat akun dengan nick AzRa, Eh...ternyata ada juga yang namanya KARMA. Awalnya saya pikir KARMA itu sejenis aplikasi game online yang memang disediakan PLURK untuk mereka pecinta game dan saya memilih untuk mengacuhkannya karena saya kurang tertarik dengan game tapi ternyata KARMA itu membantu kita mendapatkan emoticons lucu yang bisa dipakai sebagai simbol yang kekuatannya lebih besar dalam penyampaian pesan (Plurk tanpa emoticons = Hambar). Ada estimasi-estimasi tertentu yang harus dicapai untuk mendapatkan emoticons tersebut (Mulai dari 10 sampai Tak terhingga) Dan peraturannya adalah Statistik karmamu akan meningkat jika kamu melakukan banyak aktivitas Plurking (Misalnya: menambah teman,membuat tread, merespon ataupun direspon dll) dan akan berkurang drastis jika kamu tidak melakukan apa-apa.

Setelah membuka akun di halaman ini, yang saya lakukan adalah menambah teman dan hanya membuat tread-tread seperti *assalamualaikum!! Selamat pagi* untuk sekedar menyapa saja para penghuni plurk yang notabene memang tidak saya kenal. Sesekali membalas respon dan juga merespon tread-tread lain. Saya juga tak peduli dengan masalah Karma yang naik atau turun. Cuman sebatas itu saja. Bahkan saya sempat benar-benar meninggalkan dunia PLURK beberapa bulan dan akhirnya kembali lagi.

Ya,,awalnya semua terasa asing namun entah bagaimana sepertinya hukum newton 3 telah berlaku sebagai hasil dari intensitas kegiatan Nge-plurk (Membuat tread dan saling merepon). Tiba-tiba saja nama-nama asing yang selalu kuliat ditimeline menjadi begitu akrab. Aksi dan reaksi ditimelinepun akhirnya berlanjut ke dunia nyata setelah diadakannya beberapa kopdar dalam rangka kegiatan sosial bersama dan setelah itu silaturahim ini tetap berjalan baik didunia maya maupun didunia nyata. (cozy)

Lama kelamaan bahkan saya pun baru menyadari telah terjangkit Plurk Addicted. Setiap membuka mata spontan langsung ngecek timeline di plurk. Di Angkutan umum, Ngeplurk. Sambil jalan-jalan, Ngeplurk. Lagi menunggu/antrian, Ngeplurk. Lagi nonton dirumah juga Nge-plurk. Kadang lagi makan juga Ngeplurk, sampe mau tidur juga Ngeplurk. PARAHHHHHH!!! Hahaha (setelah lama saya rasa ini berlebihan, jadi perlu adanya pengendalian diri).

PLURKpun akhirnya menjadi bagian yang sulit untuk dipisahkan dari dalam hidupku. Many things happen here with meaning to.  

PLURK untukku seperti...................................................

Tempat silaturahmi: Kegiatan plurk seperti merespon, membuat tread membuatku serasa berada dalam dunia nyata. Seolah seperti sedang berada di sebuah warkop dan ngobrol banyak hal sambil diketawai padahal kita semua berada pada lokasi yg berbeda. Yah, meski terkadang ada sedikit timbul hal-hal yang tak diinginkan sampai harus berdebat hebat tapi semuanya saya bawa santai saja. Hidup kita sudah cukup serius jadi kalau di dunia maya tak perlu terlalu serius manyikapi semua hal. Yah, Plurk is for Fun.

Tempat ‘’Ini-Itu’’: Mau nanya alamat, nanya tempat makan paling enak, nanya dimana download ini itu, nanya situasi arus jalan mana yang macet, nanya tugas2 kampus, nanya tempat perbaiki ini itu, membahas topik-topik pembicaraan yang ringan sampai yang berat juga boleh, mau pasang pengumuman juga bisa, minta saran atau opini, promosi ini itu juga bisa asal jangan nyari HP yang hilang aja haahahhaha....

Tempat katarsis paling nyaman: Rasa marah, sedih, senang, bete, susah, semuanya secara spontan langsung dapat dituangkan tanpa sungkan. Tread yang tadinya sedih, bete’ atau lagi marah-marah sekalipun justru bisa diketawai saja seenak hati karena respon-respon plurker yang menghibur bisa bikin lupa kalau hariku sedang suram. 

Dan yang paling membuatku betah disini karena saya merasa telah memiliki keluarga kecil disini. Disini saya punya kakak, saya bahkan punya adik yang sudah saya anggap sebagai keluargaku sendiri, juga mendapat teman terbaik yang tidak pernah saya bayangkan sebelumnya. Mereka yang dulunya orang asing, berubah menjadi orang yang paling dekat dihati tanpa harus selalu saya temui dalam wujud nyata. Terimakasih untuk kalian yang selalu membuatku betah disini, yang membuatku merasa ada dan menjadikanku bagian dalam hidup kalian. (cozy)


American Idioms and Phrases Just For Fun

Kamis, 24 November 2011

All of sudden
This phrase is similar to the more common adverb Suddenly, and can almost always be used in place of it.
Example: All of sudden there was a loud knocking at the door.

To get on the Ball
This amusing little phrase says that someone needs to improve something.
            Your work is so sloppy. Get on the ball!!

To have the blue/ To be Blue
To many the color blue suggest coolness or calm,but in this idiom it means that someone is sad or depressed.
            Since Jane stop dating Bob, She is been very blue.
            Don’t be blue. Think about all the happiness you’ve had.

Break The Ice
This idiom really has nothing to do with ice; instead, it says that someone was the first to approach another person.
            The silence was a long, but Maria broke the ice with a simple “hello.” 

A card
This word describes a man (more rarely, a woman) who is very funny or witty.
            I like Jack. He’s such a card.
            You always make me laugh. You’re a real card.

To Keep an eye on
This unusual expression means that someone will watch carefully or guard something.
            Keep an eye on my car. I have to go to the bank.
            I can’t leave right now. I want to keep an eye on the pot on the stove.

To kick the Bucket
This expression is usually used when someone speaks about someone else’s death in a casual or even comic manner. Its synonym is to die.
            When you kick the bucket, you’re going straight to hell.
            Her house was sold a couple of years after Granny kicked the bucket.

Once in a blue moon
This expression explains about something which is very seldom.
            Once in a blue moon, he will go out and see the movie.

Out Of The Blue
This expression has similar meaning with adverb suddenly, unexpectedly.
            To his parents his wedding plans came out of the blue.

Pie in the sky
This expression means an unlikely future reward.
            You’re nice to your uncle just because you think he might leave you all his money
            When he dies?? Oh come on, that’s pie in the sky!!!.

On The Go
This phrase is usually used in a place of busy and in a hurry.
            Her busy job really keeps her on the go.

To Keep in Touch
This phrase means to maintain communication with someone whether by telephone,letter, or other means.
            After you move to New York, please keep in touch

Rain Cats and Dogs
This expression has absolutely nothing to do with animals. Use it when you want to say that it is raining very hard.
            I’m not going out there. It’s raining cats and dogs!!

This expression suggests that someone is Completely disorganized or a poor thinker.
            She’ll never finish that project. She’s too scatterbrained.

To run out of
This expression is used to say that someone has exhausted the supply of a certain product or that is used up.
            I think we’re about to run out of milk.
            They run out of gas just before getting to Chicago.

To be sick of
This phrase means that someone finds something unbearable or can no longer endure it.
            She left him because she was sick of his constant complaining.
            Will the sun never shine? I’m sick of this weather!

Many Happy Returns of The Day
This phrase is used primarily in the form given above. It is used as a form of congratulations for a special day such as a birthday, anniversary, or wedding.
            ‘’Happy birthday!! Many happy returns of the day!!’’

This is used to say that something or some place is in a terrible state or very disorganized.
            Mother entered my room and became angry when she saw that everything was


Langue and Parole (Linguistic Antrophology)

Saussure is considered to be responsible for making dichotomy between Langue and Parole. Here, I’m trying to explain these two concepts by reference to Course in General Linguistics.

Ferdinand de Saussure is a linguist who has given much significant influence to the development of Linguistics in the 20th century. As the “father” of Modern Linguistics, he is considered as a linguist who has had a monumental impact on Structuralism theory. Furthermore, Saussure’s idea about general theory of sign system that is semiology. He has five views about language that was being guidance for many linguist, they are signifier and signified, form and content, langue and parole, synchronic and diachronic, and syntagmatic and paradigmatic. However, in this case I would like to proffer only one of his views that are Langue and Parole as the components of language.

Langue refers to the abstract system of language that is internalized by a given speech community. Langue can be considered as pure referential. In this case, the point of this approach is analyzing internal relation of elements in languages and search for the structure and system of languages without considering external elements of language. Here, structure must have three characteristics that are: (1) consist of units, (2) having an order, and (3) one element precedes the other element. The branches of Pure linguistic that is made by Langue approach are Phonetics and Phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics. Here, I intend to give the explanation about those branches of language by adding some example in order that we are able to see system and structure in it.

• Phonetics and Phonology: linguistic branch that focus on the phoneme in language.
   Example: Phoneme /b/ vs phoneme /p/ → [pin] vs [bin]
• Morphology
  Example: Cat (plural) → Cat + -s
  The sign Cat and cats are associated in the mind, producing an abstract paradigm of the word forms of cat. Comparing this with other paradigms of word forms, we can note that in the English plural often consist of little more than adding an s to the end of the word.

• Syntax is a linguistic branch that study about the inter relationship between elements of sentence structure, and of the rules governing the arrangement of sentences in sequences.
Example: The cat Climbs the tree (The Cat is a Subject, Climbs is a Verb and The tree is an object)

• Semantics: pure linguistic approach to semantic is to emphasize one of modes significance way that is called pure semantic approach (referential).
Example: a cat chases a mouse.
- This sentence claimed in proposition that there is an agent “a cat” doing an activity “chases” and the patient is “a mouse” and the proposition must be true if it relevant with reality. 
- To construct the sentence we may follow some process such us selection of the words (system), syntagma (structure) and also concatenation (stretch of words). The sentence constructed by using the convention language which gives a meaning to the sentence. In this case, we select the word “a cat”, “chases” and “a mouse”. These words are appropriate to construct a sentence a cat chases a mouse. Thus, we will consider syntagma in the sentence in which we cannot relate the word “chases” with “flow” or “a mouse” with “flow” because we found no meaning from this relation and it is inappropriate with grammatical structure.

      Parole can be considered as individual act of speech and “putting into a practice of language”. Parole is heterogeneous, that is to say composed of unrelated or differing parts of elements. The study of parole would be entirely focused on individual utterances, using all the available resources of formal and empirical study to analyze actual statements, usually within a specific language. It could be reflection of individual freedom in which the speech that created by saying the words in given language. In this sense, de Saussure defines that language as a product, the social side of speech being beyond the control of the speaker. In addition, according to de Saussure, language is not a function of the speaker, but passively assimilated and speaking as defined by Saussure, is premeditated act.

      Mimpi Cuma Mimpi

      Jumat, 11 November 2011

      Aku belum ingin kembali bermimpi,aku masih tak bernyali...
      mungkin karena mimpi-mimpi sederhanaku,yang senantiasa kupatrikan dulu tak juga terpenuhi, meski sekali....

      Perjalanan ini masih panjang tapi tak juga pasti,
      namun terlalu bodoh bagi diriku untuk memenuhinya dengan ratapan-ratapan tak berarti....

      Aku hanya ingin menjalani apa yang diberi,
      mencoba menerima dan mengerti apa yang terjadi,
      mencoba memaknai setiap senti hidup ini,
      dan berhenti mengiba-iba lagi

      Semoga Allah swt Merahmati...

      Curhat Buat Sahabat

      Kamis, 03 November 2011

      Sahabatku, usai tawa ini
      Izinkan aku bercerita:

      Telah jauh, ku mendaki
      Sesak udara di atas puncak khayalan
      Jangan sampai kau di sana

      Telah jauh, ku terjatuh
      Pedihnya luka di dasar jurang kecewa
      Dan kini sampailah, aku disini...

      Yang cuma ingin diam, duduk di tempatku
      Menanti seorang yang biasa saja
      Segelas air di tangannya, kala kuterbaring... sakit
      Yang sudi dekat, mendekap tanganku
      Mencari teduhnya dalam mataku
      Dan berbisik : "Pandang aku, kau tak sendiri,
      oh dewiku..."
      Dan demi Tuhan, hanya itulah yang
      Itu saja kuinginkan

      Telah lama, kumenanti
      Satu malam sunyi untuk kuakhiri
      Dan usai tangis ini, aku kan berjanji...

      Untuk diam, duduk di tempatku
      Menanti seorang yang biasa saja
      Segelas air di tangannya, kala kuterbaring... sakit
      Menentang malam, tanpa bimbang lagi
      Demi satu dewi yang lelah bermimpi
      Dan berbisik : "Selamat tidur, tak perlu bermimpi bersamaku..."

      Wahai tuhan, jangan bilang lagi itu terlalu tinggi